Помогите пожаалуйста!

unik25 30 сентября 2023

Помогите пожаалуйста! =(Complete the sentences using conditionals type 2 or 3, as in the example: 1. If i knew you werecoming over, i would have cooked dinner.

категория: английский язык


Complete the sentences using conditionals type 2 or 3, as in the example: 1. If i knew you were coming over, i would have cooked dinner.2. If the plane were delayed, I would have been in time for the flight.3. If the dentist was available, I would have had an appointment.4. If Oliver hadn't spoken, we didn't know what had happened.5. If Jess had been on time, we would have watched the movie.6. If you start exercising, you will be in good shape.

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