Помогите пожалууйстаа, очень нужно!

gheton 09 октября 2023

Помогите пожалууйстаа, очень нужно! Нужно переделать предложение, используя косвенную речь. 1. The officer said: "You helped the police alot yestarday."

категория: английский язык


1. The officer told me that I had helped the police a lot the day before.2. Everybody told that the film had been good.3. The detective told that Mr. Honks had left London on the 13th of July.4. Jane told me that I had spoiled everything with my silly questions the day before.5. A woman told that the young lady had been right.6. The professor told that the Romans left England in the year 400,7. The pupil added that the Great Fire broke out in 1666,8. My mother told me that my Grandad had died 1999,9. My friend told that the plan of their party had excited him so much.

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