Напишите плиз ваше мнение об этой цитате в 7-8 предложений плиз,…

vigs 13 ноября 2023

Напишите плиз ваше мнение об этой цитате в 7-8 предложений плиз,… .) Health determines the quallity of ourlife.

категория: английский язык


i totally agree with this statement that health determines the quality of our life because all our acting depends on our health. If you are healthy, you are able to do everything you want. you can take up the extreme sport such as bungee jumping, skateboarding, surfing and others. But if you have a bad health, you have a lot of difficulties because of that. So people should take care of their health and be self-concious. that is they shouldn't smoke, drink alcohol and take drugs. my advice to everyone is to go in for sport and enjoy tghe healthy life.

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