School really plays an important role in our life

m-legich 13 ноября 2023

School really plays an important role in our life. I like my school and my teachers. However, I think that sometimes we have too much homerwork. On myschool lessons start at 8am. My school better than schools in other parts of the world. Most students live nearby. The average school day in my school is 6 hours. There are a lot of rules in my school.

категория: английский язык


School really plays an important role in our life. I like my school and my teachers. However, I think that sometimes we have too much homework. My school lessons start at 8am. My school is better than any other school in the world. Most students live nearby. In my school the average working day lasts 6 hours. There are a lot of rules in my school. Я внес некоторые поправки

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