Vince is doing a Science project. Look at this list of jobs.1

emeljanoff1976 23 сентября 2023

Vince is doing a Science project. Look at this list of jobs.1. make a list for the jobs (✓) 2. buy a file for the project 3. write to the local newspaper (✓) 4. take some photographs (✓) 5. visit the museum 6. talk to geography teacher (✓) 7. get some books from the library (✓) 8. find a map 9. collect some leaflets from the town hall 10. interview people 11. make a plan 12. write the project.

категория: английский язык


3. He has written to the local newspaper.4. He has just taken some photographs5. He hasn't visited the museum yet.6. He has already talked to geography teacher.7. He has got some books from the library.8. He hasn't found find a map yet.9. He hasn't collected any leaflets from the town hall 10. He hasn't interviewed people yet.11. He hasn't made a plan yet.12. He hasn't written the project yet.

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