ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СОЧИНЕНИЕ Technologies in my life

vadik_ua 25 сентября 2023

ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СОЧИНЕНИЕ Technologies in my life. It's 21st century now and this is a century of high technologies. There'retons of smartphones, notebooks, tablets etc. which help me to communicate with people. I can get instant access to anything I want due to the internet and that's really simplify my life. I spend my free time using my computer it's kind of for fun. Because of the technologies particularly internet I can easily get skills that are necessary in the information age. It's just so easy all you have to do is just to push buttons to get whatever you want. I rely on technologies too much I trust them. I cannot imagine my life without all that stuff. But sometimes if we use all those gadgets too much we can get in deep troubles, unfortunately.

категория: английский язык


Technologies in my life.It's the 21st century now and this is a century of high technologies. There're tons of smartphones, notebooks, tablets etc. which help me to communicate with people. I can get instant access to everything I want due to the internet and that really simplifies my life. I spend my free time using my computer. It's kind of fun. Because of the technologies especially internet I can easily get skills that are necessary in the information age. The only thing you need is to push buttons to get whatever you want. I rely on technologies too much. I trust them. I cannot imagine my life without all these things. But sometimes if we use all those gadgets too much we can get in deep troubles, unfortunately.

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