batsu 30 ноября 2023

СРОЧНО! 6 КЛАСС. В СКОБКАХ 2 ВАРИАНТА ОТВЕТА, НУЖНО ВЫБРАТЬ ОБИН ПРАВЕЛЬНЫЙ.1. He has a sore throat, so he (had to/ will have to) go to the doctor tomorrow.2. The children (don't have to/ didn't have to) get up early now. It' summer.3. I have already watered the plants, you (don't have to/ won't have to) water them in the evening.4. The students (have to/ had to) do a lot of homework every day. They are going to have a test in a week.5. My grandma (have to/ has to) wear glasses. She can't see well.6. "Let's plant the flowers now, so we (don't have to/ won't have to) do it tomorrow."

категория: английский язык


1. He has a sore throat, so he will have to go to the doctor tomorrow.2. The children don't have to get up early now. It' summer.3. I have already watered the plants, you won't have to water them in the evening.4. The students have to do a lot of homework every day. They are going to have a test in a week.5. My grandma has to wear glasses. She can't see well.6. "Let's plant the flowers now, so we won't have to do it tomorrow."

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