aleksandr7777 19 апреля 2024

СОСТАВЬТЕ 15 ВОПРОСОВ К ЭТОМУ ТЕКСТУ!: o.henry was a famous americanhumorist and an author of many short stories. he wrote stories with unpredictable endings and always asked his friends to let him know if something interesting happened to them. he had a friend,whose name was tripp. he was a young man, but he looked forty, because he naver washed or shaved. he often wanted o. henry to give him money, so he could spend it on whisky. one day Tripp met a girl who was in new york for the first time of her life. she said," i would like you to help me find george brown. i want to see him. i'm getting married to a farmer,but i have to see george brown first."tripp was a kind man,he didn't want anything bad to happen to the girl,and he put her in the hotel and told her to wait. tripp found o.henry and told him that he expected him to help one girl by giving her the money to come to her village and pay for her hotel.tripp also wanted o.henry to give him a dollar for whisky. in return tripp promised to tell the the writer a story,he could use. o.henry did everything,and them tripp told him that the girl's name was Ada,she loved george brown and wanted him to marry her.brown left the village when he was nineteen,but she expected him to come back and waited for him. then her parents started marking her marry another man, and Ada came to find george brown. before the man left,he had cut a cent into two pieces. he left one for himself and let Ada have the other piece. that was the story. then tripp took his cheap watch out of his pocket,and the writer saw half of the cent. george brown and tripp were one and the same man, but tripp didn't want Ada to understand that. o.henry took out a dollar and let Tripp have it.

категория: английский язык


who was o henry? what kind of stories did he write? what was the name of his friend? how old was his friend? why did his friend look older than he reallly was? why did his friend ask money? who was getting maried to a farmer? why did tripp promise to o henry instead of a dollar for a whiskey?

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