Put the verb in brackets into Present Comtinuous, Present Simple …

dropbox 21 октября 2023

Put the verb in brackets into Present Comtinuous, Present Simple ,Present Perfect or Present Perfect Comtinuous. 1.He (not/phone) him since he (arrive).2.I (think) your daughter (become) a real beauty since i (see) her last. 3.What you (do) with the knife? The point is brocken off. 4.For these last three years i (save) nearly every penny for my trip to that country. 5.Well , dear , what you (do) all day long? You look tired. Come and sit here by the fire. 6. "Hello," he (say) holding out his hand , "I (look) for you for a long time . I never (have) the chance to thank you for what you (do) for my brother" 7.You see? I (do) this kind of thing for the last thirty years .

категория: английский язык


1.He did not phone him since he has arrived. 2.I think your daughter has become a real beauty since i saw her last. 3.What you have you done with the knife? The point is brocken off. 4.For these last three years i have been saving nearly every penny for my trip to that country. 5.Well , dear , what have you been doing all day long? You look tired. Come and sit here by the fire. 6. "Hello," he said holding out his hand , "I have been looking for you for a long time . I never had the chance to thank you for what you had done for my brother" 7.You see? I 've been doing this kind of thing for the last thirty years .

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