Составить предложение с этими фразами и поставить его в Passive

mikalaha 20 августа 2024

Составить предложение с этими фразами и поставить его в Passive (Present,Past,Future) , (Simple,Continuos, Рerfect). Обязательно каждое предложение, вовсех этих временах 1.to plane trees.2.to paint the wall

категория: английский язык


Present simple- trees are planed every day/ the wall is painted every year.past simple- trees were planed yesterday/ the wall was painted two days agofuture simple- trees will be planed tomorrow/ the wall will be painted next weekpresent continuos-trees are being planed now/ the wall is being painted at the momentPast cont-trees were being planed at 5 o'clock yesterday/ the wall was being painted at 2 o'clock three weeks agofuture cont-нетpresent perfect-trees have been already planed/ the wall has been already paintedpast perfect-trees had been planed before you phoned/ the wall had been painted before my Dad came homefuture perfect-trees will have been planed by 5 tomorrow/ the wall will has been painted by 2 next Mondayplane trees- случайно не planT trees?

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