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ilhm4 28 октября 2023

Помогите раскрыть скобки. I (to spend) my holidays in the country last summer. My father (to read) newspapers every day. The boys (to play) tennisin the yard next Sunday. I (to write) a letter now. My mother (to cook) dinner every day. Look! The baby (to sleep). Children (to watch) TV yesterday. We (to visit) our friends tomorrow. Listen! The children (to sing) a beautiful song. Nick (to have) five lessons every day. They (to build) a new house by next summer. The Browns (to live) in London for twenty years. I (to swim) in the sea for two hours before the storm began. At twelve o clock tomorrow I (to read) my English book.

категория: английский язык


I spent my holidays in the country last summer. My father reads newspapers every day. The boys wıll play/are goıng to play tennis in the yard next Sunday. I am writing a letter now. My mother cooks dinner every day. Look! The baby is sleeping. Children watched TV yesterday. We will visit our friends tomorrow. Listen! The children are singing a beautiful song. Nick has five lessons every day. They will have built a new house by next summer. The Browns have been living in London for twenty years. I had been swimming in the sea for two hours before the storm began. At twelve o clock tomorrow I will have read my English book.

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