Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple

bogdan 14 сентября 2023

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. present continuous, present perfect or the present perfect continuous.1. A: What (you/do) at the moment? B: I (play) a computer game.2. A: I (think) about going to the cinema… . (you/want) to come? B: I'd love to. What (you/think) is a good film to see? 3. A: I'm hungry. I (not/eat) anything since lunchtime. B: Well, I (make) a sandwich. Shall I make you one too? 4. A: They (have) a party this Saturday. B: Really? htey (not/tell) me anything.5. A: How (the film/end)? B: In the end, Superman (save) the world.6. A: The rate of unemployment (rise) these days. B: That's true. It (get) harder and harder to find a job. Помогите пожалуйста, буду благодарна!

категория: английский язык


1.What are you doing at the moment? I am plaing… 2.I am thinking… Do you want to come? What do you think … 3.I haven't been eatingI am making4.They are havingThey don't tell5.? 6.risegets

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