Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present…

invergo 31 августа 2023

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous tense1. We__ (to walk) fer half a day, but we____ (not to reach) the camp yet.2. How long Cindy ___ (to play) tennis? — She__ (to play) tennis for more than an hour. She___ (already to play) two games. 3. We ___ (to work) very hard but we still can't save enought money to buy a new car. 4. ____you (ever to be) to this Botanical Garden? — Yes, we __ (to be) there twice. 5. Where is Pam? — She is in her room. She ___already___ (to prepare) for her exams.6. Give me map, please. How long ____we____ (to drive)? — We ___ (to drive) for there hours and a half. I think we___ (already to drive) hail of the way to the town.

категория: английский язык


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