put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and voice…

youngpro 18 сентября 2023

put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense and voice I____________ (to write) to tell you about our holidays. We__________ (to come) to Cannes five days ago. This city ______________ (to be) fantastic. The hotel we __________ (to stay) at__________ (to be) in the city centre. We __________ (travel) around the country and ______________ (to visit) different places every day. We _____________ (already to be) to ST Tropez. This place ___________ (to be) famous for lots of amazing willas of rich people. I ______ (to send) you some postcards with the sights of France. I___________ (to buy) them yesterday. I __________ (already ti try) a lot of traditional French dishes. They___________ (to be) delicious. Tomorrow we___________ (to drive) ti the south of France. I hope I _________ (to take) nice photos there.

категория: английский язык


am writingcamestayed, wastravelled and visitedhave already beeniswill sendwill buyhave already triedwerewill drivewill take

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