Поставь вопросы к предложениям

mikhail-grokhotov 31 октября 2023

Поставь вопросы к предложениям. Начни вопросы со слов в скобках: 1) There is a small field near (около) my window. (Is…?) 2) Peoplewill work in the garden in May. (When…?)

категория: английский язык


Is there a small field near my window? 2) When will the people work in the garden? 3) Where will they live? 4) What does Hobbit like? 5) Why will he come to this hill on Sundays? Noisy — noisier — the noisiestNice — nicer — the nicestWide — wider — the widestGreen — greener — the greenestDeep — deeper — the deepest Old — older — the oldestHot — hotter — the hottestFat — fatter — the fattestWindy — windier — the windiestMerry — marrier — the marriest

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