ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! make up sentences and write them down.…

archi2014 01 февраля 2024

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! make up sentences and write them down. 1.our town / small / your city2.the book / interesting / the film.3.thas palace / beautiful / that castle.4.this bus / comfortable / that car/5.history / easy / maths.6.st petersburg / big / pavlovsk.7.emma"s homework / difficult / tom"s homework8.it /long/ / road / in our town9.it / short / poem / in the textbook.10.she / good / / student / in our class.11.he / famous / writer / in russian literature.12.it / happy / day / of her summer holidays.13.it / long / legend / in the world.14.it / funny / hoddy / in our class.

категория: английский язык


1. Our town is smaller than your city.2. The book is more interesting than the film.3.This palace is more beautiful than that castle.4. This bus is more comfortable than that car.5. History is easier than maths.6. St petersburg is bigger than Pavlovsk.7. Emma's homework is more difficult than Tom's homework8. It is the longest road in our town.9. It is the shortest poem in the textbook.10. She is the best student in our class.11. He is the most famous writer in Russian literature.12. It is the happiest day of her summer holidays.13. It is the longest legend in the world.14. It is the funniest hobby in our class.

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