Напишите пожалуйста 10 предложений по английскому на тему: почему…

yanatoly 13 сентября 2023

Напишите пожалуйста 10 предложений по английскому на тему: почему мы нуждаемся взаконе?

категория: английский язык


The Act people do not steal from each other. By law, you cannot enter another's home. By law, people can donate their property or assets or heritage, knowing that it will be the one to whom it was intended. By law, you cannot kill animals that are brought in (the Red Book). By law, a person can prove their case to the authorities. The Act can be held accountable for their deeds with 14 years. By law you cannot ride and driving under the influence. By law, every person has the right to choose. By law we have free education and medicine. By law, you can take a child from the orphanage, if not their own.

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