Помогите перевести на английский употребляя глаголы в Present Simple:…

alpina 09 ноября 2023

Помогите перевести на английский употребляя глаголы в Present Simple: 1. Я работаю.

категория: английский язык


1. I work2. We work3. They work4. Do you work? Yes, I do5. Does he work? No, he doesn't6. My brother doesn't study. He works.7. Do you wear glasses? 8. Do you help people? 9. Does he like to read fairy -tails? 10. Does she like to play the violin? 11.My sister doesn't read books12. Our grandmother likes to sleep on a sofa13. Do you like to have a rest in the arm chair? 14. We eat and drink in the kitchen15. My brother doesn't like to read newspapers16. We sleep in the bedroom.17. My brother sleeps on the sofa in the living room18. My sister dresses in front of the mirrow19. My uncle writes books20. We write exercises at school21 I spend my pocket money on the ice -cream22. He reads all the time and doesn't like to watch TV.

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