Помогите правильно заполнить пропуски

yuriyk 07 ноября 2023

Помогите правильно заполнить пропуски. Write the correct form of the verbs in the blanks below: 1. (to be) If the question __________ difficult, we canask the teacher. 2. (to save) Lee will go to Disneyland if he __________ enough money. 3. (to buy) If I __________ a lottery ticket, I might win the lottery. 4. (to have) My friend usually walks to school if he __________ enough time. 5. (to start) If the movie __________ at eight, we will be late! 6. (to have) We can go waterskiing if Jeff's boat __________ gas. 7. (to pass) The class will have a party if the students all __________ their tests. 8. (to be) If there __________ milk in the refrigerator, I'll have milk with my cake. 9. (to eat) If my sister __________ all of the cake, I will get angry. 10. (to tell) My mother always punishes my sister if she __________ a lie. NEGATIVESUSE CONTRACTIONS) 11. (not end) If the world __________ tomorrow, we'll have to go to work as usual. 12. (not come) If the pizza ______________ soon, we can eat a sandwich instead. 13. (not be) If there ______ any milk in the refrigerator, I'll go to the supermarket. 14. (not snow) If it ______________ tomorrow, we can't go skiing. 15. (not rain) My dad will paint the garage if it ______________ on Saturday. 16. (not go) If we ______________ to work, we won't get paid. 17. (not buy) We can't go if we ______________ a ticket. 18. (not go) I will call you if she ______________ to the movies, and we can go out together. 19. (not be) We should go jogging if it ______________ raining outside. 20. (not ring) If the phone __________________ this afternoon, I can take a nap.

категория: английский язык


1. If the question is difficult, we can ask the teacher. 2. Lee will go to Disneyland if he saves enough money. 3. If I bought a lottery ticket, I might win the lottery. 4. My friend usually walks to school if he has enough time. 5. If the movie starts at eight, we will be late! 6. We can go waterskiing if Jeff's boat has gas. 7. The class will have a party if the students all pass their tests. 8. If there is milk in the refrigerator, I'll have milk with my cake. 9. If my sister eats all of the cake, I will get angry. 10. My mother always punishes my sister if she tells a lie. NEGATIVESUSE CONTRACTIONS) 11. If the world doesn`t end tomorrow, we'll have to go to work as usual. 12. If the pizza doesn`t come soon, we can eat a sandwich instead. 13. If there isn`t any milk in the refrigerator, I'll go to the supermarket. 14. If it isn`t snowing tomorrow, we can't go skiing. 15. My dad will paint the garage if it isn`t raining on Saturday. 16. If we don`t go to work, we won't get paid. 17. We can't go if we don`t buy a ticket. 18. I will call you if she doesn`t go to the movies, and we can go out together. 19. We should go jogging if it isn`t raining outside. 20. If the phone doesn`t ring this afternoon, I can take a nap.

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