ПОМОГИТЕ№11) Paul ofter …

brainless 21 октября 2023

ПОМОГИТЕ№11) Paul ofter … sentences from From into Enqlish in the lesson.a) translates b) will translate c) translated2). My friends … a new computer game during the break tomorrow.a) disuss b) will discuss c) discussed3). Some students … a lot of poems by heart last year.a) leatn b) will learn c) learnt4). Ken … a lot of new frends last summer holidays.a) makes b) will make c) made5). They usually … only good marks in PE lessons.a) get b) will get c) got№2Complete the text.We`ve got a new timetabla at scool. There are a lot of interesting _______ this year.I like Nature Studies and ____ best of all. Usually I get only good and excellent _____ in Mathes and Literature. During the __ I like to run between the ___ wich friends. I thenk be a good student this year too.

категория: английский язык


№11) Paul often … sentences from From into Enqlish in the lesson. a) translates2). My friends … a new computer game during the break tomorrow. b) will discuss 3). Some students … a lot of poems by heart last year. c) learnt4). Ken … a lot of new frends last summer holidays. c) made5). They usually … only good marks in PE lessons. a) get №2Complete the text.We`ve got a new timetable at school. There are a lot of interesting subjects this year.Ilike Nature Studies and English best of all. Usually I get only good andexcellent marks in Mathes and Literature. During the breaks I like to runbetween the desks with friends. I think be a good student this year too.

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