Употребите глаголы, в нужной видо-временной форме.…

frreg 17 октября 2023

Употребите глаголы, в нужной видо-временной форме. 1. Traditionally, changes in the price level (to explain) by anexcess of total demand.2. Considerable efforts (to make) now to solve economical problems.3. Inflation (to increase) steadily this year.4. Besides the Bank (to be) always a repository of gold.5. Different explanations (to give) to the participants.6. In 1946 the Bank (to nationalize) and it (to operate) today as the UK’s central bank executing monetary policy on behalf of the Government and supervising the markets in one of the world’s largest and most sophisticated centers.

категория: английский язык


1. Are exlpained2.are making 3. Will increase4. Is5. Have been gave6. Nationalized; operates

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