Переведите пожалуйста! Нужен перевод с русского на англиский!

praded 14 сентября 2024

Переведите пожалуйста! Нужен перевод с русского на англиский! Только не такой как в переводчике, а качественный… Буду благодарна…. Вацлав Жевуский хотя был невзрачным, раздражительным и прижимистые. Графский титул, несметные богатства сделали свое дело — граф взял в жены юную красавицу Марию. Между супругами Жевуских пролегла пропасть в сорок лет. Неизвестно, что толкнуло 19-летнюю княжну с нежным сердцем и хорошим тоном в объятия пожилого графа. Говорят, что юная девушка, выходя замуж Вацлавом, спасала честь и благосостояние своего обедневшего рода.

категория: английский язык


Vaclav Zhevusky though was tatty, irritable, and tight-fisted. Earldom, untold wealth did their job — Earl married a young beauty Mary. Between spouses Zhevuskih stretched the gap of forty years. It is not known what prompted 19-year-old princess with a tender heart and a good form into the arms of an old column. It is said that a young girl, she married Vaclav, saved the honor and welfare of his impoverished family.After the wedding, nor fertile land of slaves, peasants, nor the rich variety of wild game of the forest, or gold-diamonds could not dispel the eternal sadness of a young countess. The only consolation was the beautiful magnificent park. Members of the family Koniecpolski laid him brought from England, France and Italy exquisite wood flooring. It was here that a young woman running from an unloved old man.Children in Zhevuskih was not. Every day, all over the graph to find fault with his young wife. So he thought that Maria runs into the park for a meeting with an unknown knight in black dress, which comes out of nowhere on a white trotters, it seemed column that his wife fell in love with a local bondsman. The servants were more willing to tolerate a count whip strokes than slander beloved countess.In jealousy earl passed all bounds. No one is embarrassed, went on Marushka shadow, begging like a beggar, love — and cursed every tree in the park, which touched her soft hands. Once the Countess did not come out to your favorite garden for a walk. Since no one else saw. Counties have spread bad rumors: Earl killed his young wife. Others have argued that he bricked Mary live in a castle wall, so there heard her scream

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