Нужно вставить a/an, the или нет артикля.…

compaq 19 сентября 2023

Нужно вставить a/an, the или нет артикля. 1. When you meet someoe for … . first time it is polite to shake … .hands.

категория: английский язык


1. When you meet someoe for the first time it is polite to shake hands.2. There are a lot of questions on page 15,3. Who lives on the 15th floor? 4. You can find the same questions in part two.5. I was here last year.6. That was the last day of voyage.7. Are you going to read the same book next year? 8. Shall I answer next quenstions? 9. It will take us an hour to discuss main problems.10. Cinderella is the main character in famous children's story.

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