Напишите сочинение на английском про нищету пожалуйста!)

alekcey 12 сентября 2024

Напишите сочинение на английском про нищету пожалуйста!)

категория: английский язык


Wealth and poverty, a concept closely related tosocial stratification. Socialdisparities are closely associated with economicinequality that characterizesthe uneven distribution of scarcethe company's resources — money, power, education andprestige between the various strata orlayers of the population.The main measure of inequality arethe amount of liquid values. This functionusually perform money. This number ofdetermines the place of the individual or family insocial stratification. If inequalityto present in the form of scale, a polewill be those who owns the most (the rich) , and theanother is the lowest (poorest) the number of utilities.Thus, poverty is an economic andsocio-cultural status of people withminimum amount of liquid values andlimited access to social benefits.Wealth is abundance of a person or a societytangible and intangible assets, suchas money, means of production, real estateor personal property. To riches you can alsoinclude access to health, education andculture. In sociology rich is thea person who has significantvalues in relation to other memberssociety.In our country the highest class of ownersmakes about 3% of the total population, beganformed in the late 80-s, when Russiaturned to market economy, democracy andclass society on the Western type. Duringabout five years emerged as a classthe rich "new Russians"and social trackssociety living forpoverty line.Questions of wealth and poverty studied aseconomists and sociologists. Adam Smith createdthe theory about the nature of the capital and its waysthe increase. David Ricardo developed the views of Smith andcomplements their original theories landrent and international trade. Thomas Malthusfor the first time showed that rapid population growthit poses a greater threat to the riches of the country.John Stuart mill deepened their theorypredecessors and substantiated the necessity ofthe free market for the greatesteconomic growth and increasing wealthpeople and society.Among sociologists studying problemssocial and economic inequalities can becalled the P. Sorokin, P. Абрахамсона, Gordon L. A.and otherThe theme of wealth and poverty of excited people in allthe days and times. Now, during the globalthe financial crisis, when thousands and millionspeople falling into the abyss of poverty, this themebecomes particularly relevant.

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