Part 1. Choose the correct item.1. What … nice clothes!

kru64 06 апреля 2024

Part 1. Choose the correct item.1. What … nice clothes! a) a b) the c) — 2.He comes at … same time.a) a b) the c) — 3.Mr Brown hasn"t met his aunt since he … . a child a) had been b) has been c) was4. I have no key, so I … . to lock the doora) couldn"t b) won"t be able c) will have5… dinner yet? a) Are you cooking b) Have you cooked c) Did you cook6. Next year he will … . go to London.a) be able to b) can c) must 7. Can you see … car at the end of the street? a) this b) that c) those 8. She … . a test . She is free. a) has b) had c) has had 9. She was walking along the road when I … . her.a) see b) saw c) was seeing10. I knew that he … the test before.a) has written b) had written c) wrote

категория: английский язык


1. What … nice clothes! c) — 2. He comes at … same time. b) the 3. Mr Brown hasn't met his aunt since he … . a child c) was4. I have no key, so I … . to lock the door b) won't be able 5… dinner yet? b) Have you cooked 6. Next year he will … . go to London. a) be able to 7. Can you see … car at the end of the street? b) that 8. She … . a test . She is free. c) has had 9. She was walking along the road when I … . her. b) saw 10. I knew that he … the test before. b) had written

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