Make up special and tag questions.…

apxumekmop 05 мая 2024

Make up special and tag questions. 1. They will be at home in the vening. (When?) 2. They took us to the museum last week. (Where?) 3. She saw a strange man at the station two days ago. (Whom?)

категория: английский язык


1. They will be at home in the vening. (When will they be in the evening?) 2. They took us to the museum last week. (Where did they take us last week?) 3. She saw a strange man at the station two days ago. (Whom did she see at the station two days ago?) 4. We met on Sunday, didn't we? 5. They never play on the floor, don't they? 6. There is no book case near the wall, is there?

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