(1) Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous: 1) I can'…

yalo555 12 октября 2023

(1) Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous: 1) I can' t believe that it (be) only three years since I met you. 2) "How longyou (be) here? " Тоm demanded quietly. 3) We (not meet) Katya for а long time. Не (change) very much? 4) Listen to те, all of you. I (come) with the most terrific news. 5) This flat is just what I (look for). 6) I trust you. After all I (know) you all ту life. 7) I want you to remember that I never (ask) you for anything before. 8) Ivan (go) to Europe for а holiday. I myself never (be) there. 9) What' s that noise? — Vasya (break) а vase. 10) I (not wear) this coat for two years. 11) I’т so tired. I (clean) ту room since morning. (2) Will be doing or will have done? Make sentences with will be -ing and will have done. 1) Tomorrow Jean is going to swim from 1 о'clock until 3 о'clock. So, at 2 о'clock she ___________________________ 2) I’m going to watch а film from 8 о'clock until 11 о'clock this evening. So at 9,30 I ___________________________ 3) Му father is going to repair the car tomorrow morning from 7 о'clock until 8,45. Sо at 7,30 he ___________________ 4) I always go to school at 8 о'clock. So, at 9,30 in the morning tomorrow I ________________________ 5) Tim’s classes end at 1,30. So at 3 о'clock when mother comes to school Tim's classes ________________________ 6) We' re going to the theatre. The play begins at 5,30. So, at 6,00 when I reach the theatre the play ____________________

категория: английский язык


1) has been2) have been3) haven't met4) has coming5) have looking for6) have known7) has asked8) has going,,, has been 9) has broke10) haven't wore (n) 11) has cleaning 1) will be swimming2) will be watching… 3) will be repearing4) will have done… 5) will have done6) will be beginning

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