1) Read about the girl and write about her as in the example

dzen16 14 октября 2023

1) Read about the girl and write about her as in the example. This is Sally.She can’t do many things now.But she will be adle to do them in future. 1) 1year old / walk She will be able to walk in 6 mounts. 2) 2,5 years old / talk 3) 4 years old / tell stories 4) 5 years old / write letters 5) 6 years old / read 6) 6,5 years old / do sums

категория: английский язык


Если тут надо составить предложения по типу, то так: 1) She will be able to walk in 6 mounts.2) She will be able to talk in 2,5 years3) She'll be able to tell stories in 4 years 4) She'll be able to write letters in 5 years 5) She'll be able to read in 3 years6) She'll be able to do sums in 6,5 years

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