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afflictio 04 октября 2023

Закончите предложения, употребив глаголы в Past progressive или Past Simple. 1. They _____ for me whenI _____ at the station. (wait/ arrive).2. She _____in sea when I ____ her. (swim/ see).3. _____ they _____ tennis when it _______raining? (play/ start).4. She ____when she____the news. (cry/ hear).5. We ____ home from the theatre when the police. _______ us. (drive/ stop).6. Everyone ______ quiet when the concert _________ (go/ begin).7. When she ___him, he ____ quite ill. (leave/ become) 8. You _______ in a restaurant when I first ____ you. (work /meet) 9. I ____ very angry when I _____ the letter. (feel /read) 10. It ____when I _____ . (rain / get)

категория: английский язык


1 was waiting.arrived2was swimming.saw3were playing.started4was crying heard5 were driving stoped6was going.begun7she left. he was becoming8were working.met her9i felt.i was reading10it was raining.got

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