Задание: Use the Present simple…

dm346 16 октября 2023

Задание: Use the Present simple, the present continuous or the past simple tense of the verbs given in brackets1.Where … you usually… (to go) for your summer holidays? 2.Andrew and Polly often … (to visit) us on Sundays.3… . they … (to write) their homework now? 4. What… he… . (to do) last night? 5.Mike … (to work) in the library now.6… she… (to listen) to the radio yesterday?

категория: английский язык


1.Where do you usually go for your summer holidays? 2.Andrew and Polly often visit us on Sundays.3.Are they writıng their homework now? 4. What did he do last night? 5.Mike is working in the library now.6.Did she listen to the radio yesterday?

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