Write questions with the comparative

drakon 09 октября 2023

Write questions with the comparative.Then write answer giving your opinion. 1.birds in cages/hamsters in cages (happy) 2.tea/coffee (bed for you) 3.surfing/snowboarding (dangerous) 4.fruit/chocolate (good for you)

категория: английский язык


1.Are birds in cages happier than hamsters in cages? I think, birds in cages are happier than hamsters in cages.2.Is tea worse for you than coffee? In my opinion it isn't.Coffee is worse for me than tea .3.Is surfing more dangerous than snowboarding? On my view it isn't. Surfing is less dangerous than snowboarding.4.Are fruit better for you than chocolate? I think they are. Fruit are better for me than chocolate.

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