When Mr Smith 1 ________ (get up) in the morning the weather 2 ____

frash01 21 октября 2023

When Mr Smith 1 ________ (get up) in the morning the weather 2 ____ (be) very bad. It 3 _______ (be) cold outside and it 4 ____ (rain) heavily. He wasabout to leave for his office when he 5 ____ (find) that all his umbrellas 6 _____ (be) out of order. So he 7________ (take) his umbrellas to the umbrella-maker and 8 _____ (say) that he 9 _______ (come) back and take them in the evening. In the afternoon Mr Smith 10 _______ (go) to have lunch at a restaurant. A lady 11 _________ (come) in and 12 ________ (sit) down at his table and 13 ______ (have) lunch. Mr Smith 14 ______ (leave) earlier. By mistake Mr Smith 15 _____ (take) her umbrella and 16 ________ (go) to the door. However, the lady 17 ______ (ask) him to give her umbrella back. “Oh, I 18 _______ (be) sorry,” 19 _____ (say) Mr Smith. In the evening Mr Smith 20 _____ (take) his umbrellas from the umbrella-maker and 21 _____ (get) on the train. The young lady 22 ________ (be) on the same train too. She 23 _________ (look) at his umbrellas and 24 __________ (say) , “You 25 ________ (have) a good day, ______ you? ” расскрыть скобки

категория: английский язык


When Mr Smith 1 got up in the morning the weather 2 was very bad.It 3 was cold outside and it 4 was raining heavily.He was about to leave for his office when he 5 found that all his umbrellas 6 had been out of order.So he 7 took his umbrellas to the umbrella-maker and 8 said that he 9 would come back and take them in the evening.In the afternoon Mr Smith 10 went to have lunch at a restaurant. A lady 11 came in and 12 sat down at his table and 13 had lunch.Mr Smith 14 left earlier. By mistake Mr Smith 1 took her umbrella and 16 went to the door. However, the lady 17 asked him to give her umbrella back. “Oh, I 18 am sorry,” 19 said Mr Smith. In the evening Mr Smith 20 took his umbrellas from the umbrella-maker and 21 got on the train. The young lady 22 was on the same train too. She 23 looked at his umbrellas and 24 said, “You 25 had a good day, didn't you? ”

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