what can make a good birthday present for a teenager?

linar 10 мая 2024

what can make a good birthday present for a teenager? Tick the category if you would like to get something like that as a present. In the right columnwrite some comments according to the model.1) trendy clothing: I would like to get new jeans and trendy boots. But i would like to choose them myself as my parents don't share my taste in clothes.2) jewellery: 3) accessories: 4) mobile telephones: 5) gears like Ipods, MPT players, etc: 6) sports equipment: 7) computer equipment: 8) musical instruments: 9) CDs or books: 10) your variant:

категория: английский язык


1) mobile telephones: I'd like to get the latest model of the phone as a present. But I hope my parents will consult with me which one I'd like to have before buying it to me. 2) sports equipment: I'm keen on sport, especially skiing. I'd like to get new ski, more stylish and colourful. 3) computer equipment: I need some new software for my computer. I hope to get it for my birthday soon.

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