Выписать существительные во мн.ч. и написать их в ед.ч

i-car 28 августа 2024

Выписать существительные во мн.ч. и написать их в ед.ч. перевестиVoyage of the BeagleIn 1831 Charles Darwin was twenty – two years old and was wondering what to do with his life.Ever since he was eight, he had wanted to hunt fish, collect shells or simply watch insects and birds-anything, but sit in school. Later, at his father’s insistence, he tried to study medicine in college. The crude painful procedures used on patients at that time sickened him. Then his father strongly urged him to become a clergyman, so Darwin packed for Cambridge. He studied well enough to get a degree in theology. But he spent most of his time learning natural history. John Henslow, a botanist, perceived Darwin’s real interests. He arranged for Darwin a work as a ship’s naturalist abroad the Beagle.The Beagle sailed first to South America to complete work on mapping the coastline. During the Atlantic crossing, Darwin collected and examined marine life. During stops along the coast and at various islands he observed diverse species in environments ranging from sandy shores to high mountains. He was greatly interested in the question of evolving life which was now on the minds of many respected individuals-including his own grandfather. After Darwin returned to England in 1836, he talked with other naturalists about possible evidence that life evolves. By carefully studying all his notes from his journey, he came up to conclusion that life is not the same as it had been earlier. Like most people in those days, he thought that each species had been created thousands of years before and had never changed.

категория: английский язык


years — a year; shells- a shell; insects -a insect; birds — a bird; procedures — a procedure; patients — a patient; interests — an interest; stops — a stop; islands — an island; species-species (форма ед.ч. и мн.ч. совпадают); shores — a shore; mountains — a mountain; minds- a mind; individuals — an individual; naturalists — a naturalist; notes — a note; days — a day

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