выберите правельную букву. 1) The sister …

alesi 28 октября 2023

выберите правельную букву. 1) The sister … their beds in the morning a) make b) do c) clean 2) Did you … the flowers yesterday? a) cleanb) water c) make 3) I ll … my homework on Sunday a) go b) make c) do 4) Jane,will you help me to … the washeng up a) make b) do c) clean 5) Mag s father … the stars in the evening a) sees b) looks c) watches 6) Helen and Betsy like to … shopping a) walk b) go c) make ___________________________________ спасибо!

категория: английский язык


1) The sister … their beds in the morning a) make b) do c) clean 2) Did you … the flowers yesterday? a) clean b) water c) make 3) I ll … my homework on Sunday a) go b) make c) do 4) Jane,will you help me to … the washeng up a) make b) do c) clean 5) Mag s father … the stars in the evening a) sees b) looks c) watches 6) Helen and Betsy like to … shopping a) walk b) go c) make

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