Времена 1. Don't turn on the TV set. Little Kate (not…

justed 05 ноября 2023

Времена 1. Don't turn on the TV set. Little Kate (not to get up) yet. She (to fall asleep) very late yesterday evening. 2. While Kate (to wash up) mother (to lay) the table, Kate always (to help) her mother about the house.

категория: английский язык


Времена 1. Don't turn on the TVset. Little Kate hasn’t got up yet.She fell asleep very lateyesterday evening.2. While Kate was washing up mother was laying the table, Kate always helps her mother about thehouse.3. Have you been to the movies this week? — No, I have been very busy lately.4. Have you heard anything? — No, I was listening attentively but I didn’t hear anything.5. Last term Ann made good progress in herEnglish. The teacher is pleasedwith her work now.

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