Впишите а/an или the в пропуски My hamster eats… apples,… carrots and…

sitkina 27 марта 2024

Впишите а/an или the в пропуски My hamster eats… apples,… carrots and… .bread. What is… .cleverest animal? … elephants live in… hot countries… .rabbits don’t eat … meat… . dolphins are … very clever animals… . hippopotamus is … large African animal with … short legs. There is … lot of … snow in … forest. There is … lot of … grass there. There are … lot of … apple trees in … garden. That is … funniest animal in … zoo. 2. We shall have … five lessons on … Monday. Let’s go to … sports ground and play … volleyball. That’s … good idea. What’s … matter? What’s … problem? … Greens have got … nice house … is not in … . London. I met … funny little boy yesterday… boy said: "I can’t play … football. Let’s play … hide-and-seek." In summer … Mike lived in… country. He saw … big there… tree was very old. We bought … armchair … last Thursday… . armchair is comfortable. 3. He is singing. Do you know … song? I can sing well. I like … English and … Russian songs. At … age of four … David could read and write. Did you go to … school at … age of six? There was … apple in … . bag. Where is … apple? There was … pen on … desk. Where is … pen? There is … long ruler on … teacher's table. That is … longest ruler we have. There is … cup on … table. Shall I wash … cup? There are … carpets on … floor. Do you like … carpets? There is … picture on … wall. I drew picture yesterday

категория: английский язык


Eats apples, carrots and a bread. What is the cleverest animal? Elephants live in hot countries. Rabbits don't eat meat. Folding are very clever animals. A hippopotamus is a large African animal with short legs. There is a lot of show in the forest. There is a lot of apple trees in the garden. That is the funniest animal in a zoo. We shall have five lessons on Monday. Lets go to a sports ground and play the volleyball. That's a good idea. What's the matter? What's the problem? Greens have got a nice house isn't in London. I met a funny little boy yesterday. The boy said I can't play the football. Lets play the h-a-s. in summer mike lived in a country. He saw a big there. A tree was very old. We bought an armchair. Last Thursday. The armchair is comfortable. He is singing. Do you know a song? I like English and Russian songs. At the age of four David… Go to school at the age… There was an apple In the bag. Where is the apple? A pen on the desk. Where is the pan? There is a long ruler on the teachers… The longest… . There is a cup on the… The cup? There are carpets on the floor. Do you like carpets? There is a picture on the wall.

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