VI. Раскройте скобки я употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме.…

zolter 31 октября 2023

VI. Раскройте скобки я употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме. 1. They (to discuss) the terms of payment for two hours before they came toconclusion. 2. If your partner (to adhere) to the terms of the contract you can't (to terminate) it 3,1 (to be sorry) to inform you but you will have to pay penalty since you (to violate) clauses 4 and 5 of our contract 4. The validity of the contract (not to be recognized) since it was not concluded in writing. 5. Unfortunately the quality of the equipment (not to meet) the requirements of Green and Co.: and they refused to deal with the manufacturer. 6. Which of you (to be aufhrized) to sign the agreement? 7. He wanted to protect jobs at his enterprise, so he (to have to) (to sign) that contract. 8. Shortage of raw-materials (to be) the reason of termination of the contract. 9. By the end of February you (to be supplied) with all documents needed. lO.How long you (to issue) shares?

категория: английский язык


1. were discussing2 adheres/terminate3 I'm sorry /violate4 wasn't recognized5 doesn't meet 6 is aufhrized7 had to sign8 is9 will be supplied10 how long are you issuing shares?

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