Use to where necessary to complete the sentences

evgen25 20 ноября 2023

Use to where necessary to complete the sentences. Надо вместо точек где то вставить to, а где то не надо. 1. Have you ever seen fish … jump? 2. How can you make a child … learn to be polite? 3. We all want you … be very happy. 4. Yesterday I heard someone … say that the weayher was going to change. 5.I will let you… go to the cinema if you are good. 6.Sara did not expect her mother… give her a pet as a birthday present. 7. I did not notice him … leave the room. 8. The chidren were made … learn a long poem by heart. 9. In the dark the boy felе his father … take him by the hand. 10. Margo would like her teacher not … be so strict.

категория: английский язык


1.to2-3 to4-5 to6to7to8-9to10 to

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