Use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple tenses.…

maxneo 06 октября 2023

Use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple tenses. 1. You (read) anything in Kazakh now? Yes, I (read) a book of poems by Olzhas Suleymenov. 2.What you (think) about this play? I (think) it (be) very good. 3. You (enjoy) the film? Yes, shsh… . 4. He (play) at the concert today. 5. What you (watch)? Dont you see! Its football. 6. What you (listen) to? It (seem) to me I (hear) footsteps Use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple tenses. 1. You (read) anything in Kazakh now? Yes, I (read) a book of poems by Olzhas Suleymenov. 2. What you (think) about this play? I (think) it (be) very good. 3. You (enjoy) the film? Yes, shsh… . 4. He (play) at the concert today. 5. What you (watch)? Dont you see! Its football. 6. What you (listen) to? It (seem) to me I (hear) footsteoutside. 7. I (not like) the boy; he (bother) me with silly qquestions. 8. Hell join us with pleasure if we (invite) him.

категория: английский язык


are reading.i am readingwhat do you think/ithink it isenjoy/playedare you watching what are you listening to/it seems to me i heard footsteps

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