Употребите оборот there+to be в Present, Past или Future.1. …

romik 26 сентября 2023

Употребите оборот there+to be в Present, Past или Future.1. … a good programme on TV tonight. It‟s about computers.2. Look, … an empty table. Let‟s go in.3. … not a train to Moscow on Monday next week.4. I am sure … a lot of visitors to both exhibitions next time.5. Last year … eight paintings by Rembrandt, but now … only six.6. We have only got one hour and … a lot to see. 7. … a bank near here? 8. … three chairs, a table and a sofa in this room when I was there last weekend.

категория: английский язык


1 There willbe a good programme on TV tonight. It's about computers.2 Look, there is an empty table.Let's go in.3 There won't be a train to Moscow on Monday next time.4 I am sure there will be a lot of visitors to both exbittions next time.5 last year there were eight paintings by Rembrand , but now there only six.6We have only got one hour and there will be a lot to see.7 Is there a bank near here? 8 There were three chairs, a table and a sofa in this room when I was there last weekend.

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