Task 1. Complete each sentence with a word from the list

pterodaktil 27 августа 2023

Task 1. Complete each sentence with a word from the list. Use each word once only.*accused*evidence*guilty*lawyer*statement*charged*fine*jury*sentence*suspecta) The customs officers arrested Bob and … . him with smuggling. b) The police spent all morning searching the house for… c) Jean left her car in a no-parking area and had to pay a/an … d) Unfortunately at the end of the trial my brother was found … .e) The trial took a long time as the … couldn't reach a verdict.f) George won his case because he had a very good defence … .g) The police visited Dawn and asked her to make a/an … h) Because of his past criminal record, Brian was the main … i) Pauline decided to sue the police because she had been wrongly … .j) The murderer of the children received a life …

категория: английский язык


a) The customs officers arrested Bob and charged him with smuggling. b) The police spent all morning searching the house forevidence.c) Jean left her car in a no-parking area and had to pay a fine.d) Unfortunately at the end of the trial my brother was found guiltye) The trial took a long time as the jury couldn't reach a verdict.f) George won his case because he had a very good defence lawyerg) The police visited Dawn and asked her to make a statementh) Because of his past criminal record, Brian was the main suspecti) Pauline decided to sue the police because she had been wrongly accusedj) The murderer of the children received a life sentence

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