Ставитьпропущенные слова: 1. It lies on several islands and has a …

vovanfun 28 октября 2023

Ставитьпропущенные слова: 1. It lies on several islands and has a … of aboit 57 mln people. 2. Great Britains capital is … . and the national currency is a … … . is the main language. The climate of Great Britain is very … There are a lot of … falling out all the year round. The wind brings rain from the … Ocean. Snow only … . occasionally and doesnt stay for long except in the … of Scotland. The usual … in England and Wales are+4 C in January and+16 C in July. A lot of tourists come to Great Britain every year to do some … in its big and small towns.

категория: английский язык


1.population2.London,pound,English,wet,rain, Atlantic,winter,north,temperature,photos

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