Срочно! Помогите, пожалуйста…

tiao123 17 октября 2023

Срочно! Помогите, пожалуйста, сделать грамматические задания по английскому языку: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form. Underline the suitable variant using the words in bold.1. We had a swim into/in the sea. After/Afterwards we lay on the beach.2. ________________ passengers had to get off the plane and_____________ identified their luggage. (All/ all of them /—) 3. The ability to think logical/logically is an important skill.4. If I hadn't been so tired I (might/must go) ___________ to the party.5. Julie (be going to buy) _____________her ticket to New York next month-she (save) _____________enough money by then.6. Jane has got (loads of/several of) _________________friends.7. Why (smell) _____________________ the meat? Do youthink (it's off/is it off)? 1. Throughout the interrogation he (denied/rejected) ______________that he had (something/anything) ______________ to do with the robbery.2. (Most of my/Most of) ____________________time is spent cleaning up after you! 3. You're imagining ______________things. All your fears are in __________ mind.4. We (go) _______________ on holiday next Friday. The plane (leave) ____________ at 5 a.m., so we (sunbathe) _________________ in Bermuda by lunch time.5. School breaks ________________ for Easter on 2 nd April.It's no use (to go/going) ______________ to university if you don't intend to study.

категория: английский язык


1. We had a swim in the sea. Afterwards we lay on the beach.2. All passengers had to get off the plane and all of them identified their luggage.3. The ability to think logically is an important skill.4. If I hadn't been so tired I might go to the party.5. Julie is going to buy her ticket to New York next month — she will have savedenough money by then.6. Jane has got loads of friends.7. Why are you smelling the meat? Do you think it's off? 1. Throughout the interrogation he denied that he had something to do with the robbery.2. Most of my time is spent cleaning up after you! 3. You're imagining those things. All your fears are in your mind.4. We are going on holiday next Friday. The plane leaves at 5a.m., so we will be sunbathing in Bermuda by lunch time.5.School breaks off for Easter on 2 nd April. It's no use going to university if youdon't intend to study.

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