Срочно помогите пожалуйста № 6) ReadThere are not many apples…

lidersan 07 сентября 2023

Срочно помогите пожалуйста № 6) ReadThere are not many apples on the tree.There are not many cars in the street.There is not much water in the cup.There is not much coffee in the cup. (See Grammar Reference) № 7) Complete the sentences with much or many a) We need ___________ oranges to make orange juce ,b) I don t drink ____________ milk — one litre a day ,c) He doesn t always put____________ salt on his food ,d) My doesn t car use _____________ petrol ,e) They haven t _____________ money.They are not rich ,f) There aren t _____________ potatoes in the box

категория: английский язык


A) We need ____many_______ oranges to make orange juce ,b) I don t drink ___much_________ milk — one litre a day ,c) He doesn t always put_____much_______ salt on his food ,d) My doesn t car use ______much_______ petrol ,e) They haven t ______much_______ money.They are not rich ,f) There aren t ________many____ potatoes in the box

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