Срочно! Нужно сделать рассказ об одном из героев фильма Титаник!

olcik 03 октября 2023

Срочно! Нужно сделать рассказ об одном из героев фильма Титаник! СРОЧНО!

категория: английский язык


17-year-old rose DeWitt Byukeyter, a beautiful girl, does not accept the laws of the bourgeois world in which they live her relatives. In order to save his family from ruin, she should marry a wealthy American industrialist. Not wanting to such a perspective, one day she even tries to commit suicide by throwing himself into the water from the stern of the ship, but accidentally noticed it before, the artist-autodidact Jack warned her. When Jack opens Rosa eyes to the world outside her gilded cage, she says the bridegroom, that does not like it. Jack and rose are beginning to make plans for the future — plans on Board of the "Titanic"… Gloria Stuart became known to the world public in 1997, thanks to the role of the elderly Rose DeWitt Byukeyter in оскароносном the movie «Titanic» , which is sung in 87 years old. In addition to this for the rest of his life the actress played more than 77 roles in films and serials. In 1998 was awarded the title of «the oldest of the actress, nominated for the prize of the American film Academy» for all the same role in «Titanic» .The last five years she struggled with the dreaded illness. «The cancer of mammary gland» — such a verdict was pronounced doctors. However, the diagnosis did not break the will of the strong woman and in the past year, U.S. Independence Day the actress celebrated its hundredth anniversary. At the celebration were invited to numerous relatives and friends, including the Director of «Titanic» James Cameron and his wife, the actors of The Эрнольд, Frances Fisher and others.

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