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mamachka74 05 апреля 2024

Срочно! Найди и исправь ошибки вСрочно! Найди и исправь ошибки в данных предл. Nick is going to not to be responsible for invitions/the teacher are going to propose an intesting task? they is going to go to the cinema this weekendthe children is going to play sports gamesthe local football team are going to invite the British partnershis granny am going to stay in the country

категория: английский язык


Nick is not going to be responsible for invitations/Is the teacher going to propose an interesting task? (если это вопрос) если утверд предложение, тогда the teacher is… .they are going to go to the cinema this weekendthe children are going to play sports gamesthe local football team is going to invite the British partnershis granny is going to stay in the country

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