Составить рецепт весеннего салата на английском языке

cowboy4ik89 24 апреля 2024

Составить рецепт весеннего салата на английском языке

категория: английский язык


Spring saladThe two servings of salad take 7 sheets of Romaine, for example, as in the photo, " or as it is called differently — Romano. This salad is often used for the preparation of salad Caesar. I like it its smooth and slightly nutty flavour. Cut it down to 3-4 bars, and then crosswise into medium-sized pieces.Salted by and mix.Add 2 hard-boiled eggs — not cool, so that the yolk was not very hard. Eggs cut into medium pieces (that is cut, and not three grated to the egg there was decorated with salad).Add a small handful of sesame seeds and a pinch of cumin. Sprinkle with a pinch of pepper of Chile. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and vegetable oil.I love to have a spring salad, replacing butter with sour cream

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