Составить рассказ на английском языке про коал

snaike30 04 мая 2024

Составить рассказ на английском языке про коал.

категория: английский язык


Koala is a very unusual Australian animal, like teddy bear. But koala has nothing similar with bears. Koala is very lazy animal. It sleeps about 20 hours a day. Koala eats many species of eucalyptus leaves, which other animals don't eat at all. The word "Koala" comes from the dictionary of Aboriginal, it means "do not drink." It's amazing, but the koala actually gets moisture from eucalyptus leaves and so it doesn't drink any water.It is difficult to believe that hundred years ago the koala was one of the endangered animal. People almost completely destroyed these lovely animals becaus of valuable fur. Now koala is secure, and from year to year, it becomes more and more koala in the world.

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