Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech

borandr 14 октября 2023

Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech. (это не перевод) “I want to build a new house,” said Jill. “Our teacher is giving us a test! ” said Michelle. “Shall I study math or English? ” Sally asked her best friend. “Why have you taken my CD without asking me? ” I asked Toni. “Could I have your e-mail address? ” she asked Mariella. “We are working on our website tomorrow,” Janet said.

категория: английский язык


1. Jill said that she wanted to build a new house. 2. Michelle said that their teacher was giving them a test. 3. Sally asked her best friend if she rill study math orEnglish. 4. I asked Toni why he had taken my CDwithout asking me.5. She asked Mariella if she could have her e-mail address.6. Janetsaid that they were working on their website the next day.

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